Our Previous Show

A Final Toast

Equity Approved Showcase

Opened May 17th

Closed May 26th

Thanks to all who came to see the show!



Ren Now will Start the 2024 season at The Chain Theatre in New York,  Midtown on 36th st. ,  “A Final Toast,” Michele Miller’s complex play features 4 mature women will play at the Chain Theatre Complex:   312 West 36th st. May 10th through May 26th.

Publicist – Jonathon Slaff


“A Final Toast” by Michele A Miller

Michele A Miller: Semifinalist of the Garry Marshall New Works Festival, CA and finalist at the Ashland New Plays Festival, NC, TRU-Voices Festival, NY, Renaissance Theatre Emerging Artist Program, OH, B-Street Theatre New Comedies Festival, CA, Ephiphanies/Wild Imaginings Festival, TX and SE Texas Festival of New Plays.


About the Play:

  • A Final Toast by Michele A Miller
  • Cast: 4
  • Genre: comedy, drama
  • A play about the fragility of memory and coming to terms with the past.
  • Focusing on four women, A FINAL TOAST explores the influence of our past—personal, familial, and our heritage—on our identity. The plot follows two women in their eighties who are helped by their adult daughters to clear out their homes before moving to a Senior Living Center. Along the way they must distinguish what is really of value, separate true memories from beliefs, and come to terms with their mother-daughter relationships. Once at the Senior Living the two older women are shut in together due to the pandemic and uncover a brief encounter they had years before—one with longstanding consequences for their future lives, their relationships with their families and ultimately each other.


Read about it in National New Play Network: New Play Exchange

NPX:  https://newplayexchange.org/users/57450/michele-miller